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文章来源:托管农业网  |  2023-06-01


中国成语文化城建设项目 | 山西重波瓣兜兰点招商项目2019—文化旅游业


核心提示:中国成语文化城建设项目Chinese Idiom Culture City Construction Project一、项目名称:中国成语文化城建设项目I. Project name: Chinese idiom culture city construction project二、申报单位:曲沃县人民政府II. Application unit: Quwo county people s government三、项目概况:III. Project profile:(一)项目背景:


Chinese Idiom Culture City Construction Project


I. Project name: Chinese idiom culture city construction project


黄管秦艽II. Application unit: Quwo county people's government


III. Project profile:

(一)项目背景:曲沃是中华文明最早的发祥地之一,曲沃数千年深厚的文化积淀,为中国成语文化的萌芽、形成和发展提供了充足和土壤和养分。据统计,《汉语成语词典》现收录的 5500余条词目中,直接或间接和夏、唐、晋地的人文风 物有关的成语典故就多达300条以上,诸如君无戏言、 饮水思源、硕大无朋、从善如流、公而忘私、居安思危、秦晋之好、志在四方、取信于民、政平民阜、退避三舍、一战而霸、掩耳盗铃、表里山河、汗马功劳、惟命是从、休戚相关、天下兴亡匹夫有责、公生明廉生威等等,时至今日这些成语典故已是妇孺皆知、人皆能详,由此而引申演变下来的成语更是达到了数千条。作为众多经典诗歌典籍和成语典故的出处地,曲沃可以称之为名副其实的 中国成语文化之乡 ,在此树立起传承中国成语文化的旗帜,既是实至名归,也是理所应当,更是社会所盼,将会得到各界人士特别是文化教育界名流的认同,更容易在全国乃至国际上形成很大的社会影响力和认知度。

(I) Project background: Quwo is one of the earliest cradles of Chinese civilization. Its profound cultural accumulation of thousands of years has provided sufficient soil and nutrients for the germination, formation and development of Chinese idiom culture. According to statistics, the Chinese idioms dictionary now collected more than 5500 entries, directly or indirectly related to the cultural relics of Xia, Tang, Jin area content of allusion as many as 300 above, such as the king's words are to be taken seriously , when one drinks water, one must not forget wher it comes from , big in stature and eminent in virtue without comparison , follow good advice as naturally as a river follows its course , forget selfishness in the interest of the public , Be prepared for danger in times of peace , alliance between the two families by marriage , be ready to realize one's aspiration anywher all over the world , attain the people's trust , the people are well-off in a prosperous and peace society , retreat about thirty miles as a condition for peace , succeed in one stroke , plug one's ears while stealing a bell , situated at the foot of a hill and beside a river ,

toil and hardship in the wars , receive absolutely one's instruction , be bound together in a common cause , Each and every one should hold himself responsible for his country's welfare , The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the peasants , it is strict and impartial because of justice, it has prestige and popular trust because of honesty , and so on, Nowadays, these idioms are well known to women and children, and can be detailed by everyone. From this, thousands of idioms have evolved. As the birthplace of many classical poetry and idiom allusions, Quwo can be called the veritable township of Chinese idiom culture . Setting up the banner of inheriting Chinese idiom culture here is not only a real honor, but also a legitimate expectation of the society. 香花藤It will be recognized by people from all walks of life白花菜目, especially the celebrities of cultural and educational circles, and it will be easier to form great social influence and awareness in the whole country and even in the world.

(二)项目定位:将中国成语文化城建设成为全国最大的 成语文化产业开发基地、成语文化教育基地、成语文化研究交流基地 和 成语文化旅游胜地 。

(II) Project positioning: To build China's Idiom Culture City into the largest Idiom Culture Industry Development base, Idiom Culture Education base, Idiom Culture Research and Exchange base and Idiom Culture Tourism Resort in China.


(III) Construction content and scale: The project covers an area of 500 mu, and is constructed according to the style of city pool in Jin Dynasty. The city is based on idioms and allusions, highlighting the idiom stories of Jin Dynasty, sets up construction contents in different categories in the form of plate. It includes: cultural city wall, idiom story murals, idiom theme park, Chinese idiom tripod, idiom exhibition hall, idiom culture industry street and idiom gallery, idiom amusement park, idi供方派人上门服务om amusement park, idiom experience square, idiom customs palace, etc. After completion, it will develop animation games, literature and art, radio and television program production and other related cultural products.


(IV) Investment estimate: the total investment is 500 million yuan.


(V) Benefit Forecast: Economic benefit: it is estimated that the annual income of tickets can reach 80 million yuan; Shop rent of INP4H通过紫外光固化制得的PU水凝胶的水接触角都在30⑷0b,与用于制造接触眼睛的其他水凝胶相同,并表现出良好的抗蛋白质粘附性5 million yuan; The annual income of restaurants and hotels is expected to reach 20 million yuan. Other kinds of entertainment items and experiences are expected to be worth 10 million yuan annually. The annual revenue of relevant product development is estimated over 30 million yuan. Social benefits: it is conservatively estimated that 1,000 people will be employed and more than 300 million yuan will be raised in consumption.


IV. Project Advantages


(I) Topic content is这样的话1是间隙比较大 good. Relying on the cultural resources of idioms and allusions, we will build a Chinese idiom cultural city, displaying and carrying forward the quintessence of Chinese idioms and allusions in an all-round way, in line with the policy requirements and market needs, and the audience will cover all levels and ages.

(二)内在依托好。作为 中国成语典故之乡 和 中国成语典故传承基地 ,在此建设中国成语文化城,可谓实至名归,能够形成高度的社会认同感。

(II) Internal support is good. As the hometown of Chinese idioms and allusions and base of Chinese idioms and allusions inheritance , the construction of Chinese idiom culture city here is well deserved and can form a high degree of social identity.


(III) Good basic conditions. This project is located by the lakefront of the beautiful and charming Hui water lake in our county, with large water area and good ecological environment, and the attractions and catering and leisure facilities of the scenic area, such as the spring and autumn Jin city, Huixian village and so on, have been put into operation, and have gained high tourist popularity. All these make this project have market potential and development advantage extremely.


V. Mode of cooperation: sole proprietorship


VI. Contact means of the applicant:


